Our story
Hearing damage is a big issue. According to the World Health Organization it expected to become one of the most widespread and most costly health problems in the coming decades.
How it all started

Our originator is Gerrit Eijkelboom, a vocal coach and rock singer who has worked with many musicians with hearing damage during his long career. Sadly, Gerrit himself has tinnitus, which is a constant reminder to him of the importance of hearing protection.
Based on his observations, Gerrit identified a major barrier to proper hearing protection, namely that the existing options all fall short. Users experience inadequate protection, impracticality under changeable circumstances and discomfort during use. Moreover, musicians find it challenging to embrace hearing protection due to the unnatural sound and listening fatigue that it produces.
Jan de Roos reinforces the marketing and business strategy side of Private Ear. He previously held CEO positions for companies such as Woodwing and Fairphone. Also he co-founded Experience Data.
How we proceed

Jan de Roos reinforces the marketing and business strategy side of Private Ear. He previously held CEO positions for companies such as Woodwing and Fairphone. Also he co-founded Experience Data.
As a result, many musicians resort to using just one in-ear monitor on stage and neglect to use hearing protection during practice. And musicians who rely on passive hearing protection end up with compromised sound quality that impedes their work.
That is why Gerrit decided to set up a team and work on a permanent solution. He convinced a whole bunch of top experts to join them. It took some time but we now have a super device for musicians.

A big ’thank you!’ to our partners
Throughout our project, we were fortunate to receive invaluable support from a wide range of parties who joined us on our mission. Musicians, audiologists, the Dutch government, McKinsey, scientists, theatres, orchestras, the Province of North Holland, and many, many others have played instrumental roles in our progress. Without their help, guidance and support, we would not be where we are today.
Higly relaxing and detailed listening experience, I cannot wait to distribute these!
Han van den Essenburg
International salesmanager for TC Electronic, Dynaudio, Tannoy
A journey to continue

Clear One is the first product we are launching. We are also working on a dosimetry solution for orchestras. But there is much more to accomplish. Countless professionals, including industrial workers, military personnel, athletes and entertainers, continue to risk their auditory health. Our technology holds the potential to extend the benefits to these people as well.
Want to join our team?
While our current team has all the expertise we need, we welcome individuals and organizations who believe that they can contribute to our cause. If you are passionate about hearing preservation and would like to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.